Spanish Verbs Beginning with D

Irregular verb forms

No. Spanish English
251 desquiciar to unhinge, unsettle
252 destacar to emphasize, stand out
253 destajar to make a contract
254 destapar to uncover
255 desteñir to fade
256 desterrar to exile
257 destilar to distill
258 destinar to assign, appoint
259 destituir to remove, to dismiss
260 destorcer to detwist
261 destornillar to screw off, unscrew
262 destronar to dethrone
263 destrozar to destroy
264 destruir to destroy
265 desunir to disunite
266 desvalorizar to devaluate, devalue
267 desvanecer to vanish
268 desvelar to unveil
269 desvestir to undress
270 desviar to divert, to dissuade
271 detallar to detail
272 detectar to detect
273 detener to stop, to hold up, delay, to arrest, detain
274 deteriorar to deteriorate
275 determinar to determine, decide
276 detestar to detest, hate
277 detonar to detonate
278 devaluar to depreciate, devaluate, devalue
279 devastar to devastate, to lay waste, to destroy
280 devenir to become, to befall, to be transformed into
281 devolver to return, give back
282 devorar to devour, eat up
283 diagnosticar to diagnose
284 dialogar to dialogue
285 dibujar to draw, sketch, depict
286 dictaminar to sentence
287 dictar to dictate
288 diezmar to decimate
289 difamar to libel
290 diferenciar to differentiate, to disagree, to distinguish oneself
291 diferir to differ
292 dificultar to make hard, to make difficult
293 difundir to spread
294 digerir to digest
295 dignificar to dignify
296 dilatar to dilate
297 diluir to dilute
298 dirigir to direct
299 discernir to discern
300 disciplinar to punish