Spanish Verbs Beginning with D

Irregular verb forms

No. Spanish English
101 desactivar to disactivate
102 desaferrar to weigh anchor
103 desafiar to challenge
104 desafinar to be out of tune
105 desagotar to empty, to drain
106 desagradar to displease, be displeasing
107 desagradecer to be unthankful for, to be unappreciative of
108 desagregar to disintegrate
109 desaguar to drain, to empty
110 desahogar to ease, to console, to let off steam
111 desahuciar to evict, to dismiss
112 desairar to snub
113 desajustar to loosen
114 desalar to desalt
115 desalentar to discourage
116 desalojar to dislodge, to evict, to expel from a lodging
117 desamarrar to cast off, to untie
118 desamortizar to seize, to confiscate
119 desamparar to abandon, to desert
120 desamueblar to remove the furniture from
121 desandar to retrace
122 desangrar to bleed
123 desanidar to leave the nest
124 desanimar to depress, to discourage
125 desanudar to untie, to undo, to unknot
126 desaparecer to disappear
127 desapoderar to dispossess, expropriate, forjudge, oust
128 desapreciar to underestimate
129 desaprender to unlearn
130 desaprobar to disapprove
131 desarmar to dismantle, to dismantle
132 desarraigar to disroot, uproot
133 desarreglar to disarray, disorder
134 desarrollar to develop, expand, to unroll, unwind, to unfold
135 desarticular to disarticulate
136 desarzonar to unseat
137 desatar to untie
138 desatender to neglect
139 desayunar to eat breakfast, have breakfast
140 desbaratar to ruin, to wreck
141 desbordar to overflow, to overwhelm
142 descafeinar to remove caffein
143 descalificar to disqualify
144 descansar to rest, take a rest, to support, lean (on)
145 descargar to discharge, to unload, to download
146 descarrilar to derail
147 descartar to rule out
148 descender to descend, lower
149 descentralizar to decentralize
150 descifrar to decipher, decode, decrypt