Spanish Verbs Beginning with T

Irregular verb forms

No. Spanish English
51 topar to thrust
52 topetar to stumble
53 torcer to twist, bend, sprain
54 torear to fight a bull, to dodge
55 tornar to return, to become
56 torturar to torture, to torment
57 toser to cough
58 tostar to toast
59 trabajar to work
60 trabar to lock, to tie, to join
61 traducir to translate
62 traer to bring, to get, fetch, to carry
63 traficar to deal, to trade, to pass
64 tragar to swallow, to absorb, soak up, to put up with
65 traicionar to betray
66 tramitar to process
67 tranquilizar to tranquillize, to calm, to reassure
68 transbordar to transfer
69 transcribir to transcribe
70 transcurrir to pass, to elapse
71 transferir to transfer
72 transfigurar to transfigure
73 transformar to transform
74 transfundir to tranfuse, to transmit, to spread
75 transgredir to break
76 transitar to journey, to travel, to transit
77 transmigrar to transmigrate
78 transmitir to transmit, to broadcast
79 transmutar to transmute
80 transpirar to perspire, to sweat
81 transponer to transpose, to transfer
82 transportar to transport
83 tranzar to trick, to cheat
84 trapalear to chat
85 trascender to extend
86 trascolar to strain
87 trasegar to decant
88 trasgredir to transgress
89 trasladar to move, to transfer, to travel
90 traslucir to show, to reveal
91 traslumbrar to dazzle, glare
92 traspasar to go, to cross
93 trasplantar to transplant
94 trastornar to upset, to disturb
95 trastrocar to confuse
96 tratar to treat, handle
97 traumatizar to traumatize
98 trazar to draw, to sketch, to draw up
99 tremolar to oscillate
100 trenzar to braid