Feminine Noun Endings

Singular feminine nouns take the definite article la (the) or the indefinite article una (a/an).

Nouns that and in –a are usually feminine:

una amiga a (female) friend
la cara the face
la esquina the corner
el día the day
el mapa the map
un problema a problem

Most nouns that end in –ción or –sión are feminine:

una canción a song
la procesión the procession

–dad, –tad, –tud are usually feminine endings:

una ciudad a town
la libertad freedom/liberty
una multitud a multitude

Nouns that end in –ed are usually feminine:

una pared a wall
la sed thirst
el césped the lawn

–itis is usually a feminine ending:

la laringitis laringitis
la celulitis cellulite

–iz is usually a feminine ending:

una perdiz a partridge
una matriz a matrix

Nouns that end in –sis are usually feminine:

una tesis a thesis
una dosis a dose
el análisis the analysis
el énfasis the emphasis

–umbre is usually a feminine ending:

una costumbre a custom/habit
la cumbre the summit/top