French Verbs Starting with A

Irregular verb forms

No. Verb English
201 amorcer to begin, to bait Conjugate
202 amortir to deaden, to pay off (debt) Conjugate
203 amouracher to fall for Conjugate
204 amplifier to enlarge, to exaggerate Conjugate
205 amputer to amputate Conjugate
206 amuser to entertain, to amuse Conjugate
207 analyser to analyse Conjugate
208 anathématiser to curse, to anathematise Conjugate
209 ancrer to anchor Conjugate
210 anéantir to annihilate, to be dumbfounded Conjugate
211 anémier to weaken Conjugate
212 anesthésier to anaesthetise Conjugate
213 angliciser to anglicise Conjugate
214 angoisser to distress, to be distressed Conjugate
215 animaliser to animalise, to sensualise Conjugate
216 animer to animate, to enliven, to give life to Conjugate
217 ankyloser to stiffen Conjugate
218 annexer to append, to annex Conjugate
219 annihiler to destroy, to annul Conjugate
220 annoncer to announce, to advertise Conjugate
221 annoter to annotate Conjugate
222 annuler to annul, to cancel Conjugate
223 anoblir to ennoble Conjugate
224 anthropomorphiser to anthropomorphise Conjugate
225 anticiper to anticipate, to forestall Conjugate