How to disable your ad blocker to support Linguasorb

Here are the instructions on how to disable your ad blocker:

If you use Adblock

  • Click the AdBlock button (hexagon with a hand) on the top right of your browser's toolbar.
  • Click "Don't run on pages on this domain".
  • Refresh the page to see the result.

If you use Adblock Plus

  • Click the AdBlock Plus (The red hexagon that says ABP) button on the top right of your browser's toolbar.
  • Click "Enabled on this site" to disable it when you browse Linguasorb.
  • Refresh the page to see the result.

Want to remove the ads and still support the site?

Get ad free access to Linguasorb for a whole year for just $2.99!

Yeah we know, we don't like ads either. Unfortunately the ad income is necessary to pay our bills and keep the website running.

BUT if you'd rather not see them there is another way - you can get a whole year's worth of access to Linguasorb completely ad free for $2.99 - that's less than 1 cent per day!

Just click on the big orange button below to get started.

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