French Verbs Starting with A

Irregular verb forms

No. Verb English
1 abaisser to lower, to abase Conjugate
2 abandonner to abandon, to leave, to give up Conjugate
3 abasourdir to dumbfound Conjugate
4 abâtardir to debase, to deteriorate Conjugate
5 abattre to knock down, to destroy Conjugate
6 abdiquer to abdicate Conjugate
7 aberrer to aberrate Conjugate
8 abêtir to make stupid Conjugate
9 abhorrer to abhor Conjugate
10 abîmer to damage Conjugate
11 abjurer to renounce Conjugate
12 abolir to abolish, to wipe out Conjugate
13 abominer to loathe Conjugate
14 abonder to abound, to be plentiful Conjugate
15 abonner to take out a subscription for sth, subscribe to Conjugate
16 abonnir to improve Conjugate
17 aborder to approach, to touch land Conjugate
18 aboucher to join up Conjugate
19 abouler to hand over, to come along Conjugate
20 abouter to join end to end Conjugate
21 aboutir to succeed, to end up Conjugate
22 aboyer to bark (at) Conjugate
23 abréger to shorten, to abbreviate Conjugate
24 abreuver to water (animal), to soak (plant), to heap on (insults) Conjugate
25 abriter to shelter Conjugate