French Verbs Starting with B

Irregular verb forms

No. Verb English
26 bambocher to live it up Conjugate
27 banaliser to vulgarize Conjugate
28 bander to bandage, to tie up, to have an erection (fam.) Conjugate
29 bannir to banish, to expel Conjugate
30 banquer to pay (fam.) Conjugate
31 banqueter to feast Conjugate
32 baptiser to baptise, to christen Conjugate
33 baqueter to bale out Conjugate
34 baragouiner to jabber Conjugate
35 baratiner to chat, to chatter Conjugate
36 baratter to churn milk Conjugate
37 barber to bore rigid (fam.) Conjugate
38 barbifier to shave Conjugate
39 barboter to splash about Conjugate
40 barbouiller to smear, to daub Conjugate
41 barder to bard Conjugate
42 barguigner to hesitate Conjugate
43 barioler to variegate, to daub with many colours Conjugate
44 barrer to bar, to block, to cross (cheque) Conjugate
45 barricader to barricade Conjugate
46 barrir to trumpet (elephant) Conjugate
47 basaner to tan Conjugate
48 basculer to tilt, to seesaw Conjugate
49 baser to base on Conjugate
50 bassiner to bathe, to warm (a bed), to bore (fam.) Conjugate