Top Regular French Verbs

This is a list of the most common regular verbs in French. This is a great place to start learning verbs and prioritizing common verbs that are easy to use, however many of the most useful verbs are irregular - see the top irregular verbs list.

Irregular forms are in red.

No. Verb English
1 donner to give, to produce Conjugate
2 demander to ask, to request Conjugate
3 trouver to find, to discover Conjugate
4 passer to pass, to go past Conjugate
5 rester to stay, to remain Conjugate
6 porter to carry, to wear Conjugate
7 parler to speak, to talk Conjugate
8 montrer to show, to display Conjugate
9 continuer to continue Conjugate
10 penser to think Conjugate
11 commencer to begin, to start, to commence Conjugate
12 compter to count Conjugate
13 occuper to occupy, to take up (space/time) Conjugate
14 décider to decide, to persuade Conjugate
15 arriver to arrive, to happen Conjugate
16 sembler to seem Conjugate
17 laisser to leave, to allow, to let Conjugate
18 présenter to present, to introduce Conjugate
19 accepter to accept Conjugate
20 agir to act Conjugate
21 poser to put down, to pose, to lay (something) down Conjugate
22 jouer to play, to act, to gamble Conjugate
23 choisir to choose, to select Conjugate
24 toucher to touch, to feel, to affect Conjugate
25 aimer to like, to love Conjugate